
Truchet Tiling in Houdini


Watch Truchet Tiles in Houdini GIF by jakemadeathing on Gfycat. Discover more 3d GIFs, aftereffects GIFs, animation GIFs, cgi GIFs, design GIFs, houdini GIFs, mograph GIFs, motion GIFs, motiongraphics GIFs, sidefx GIFs, tiles GIFs, truchet GIFs on Gfycat.

I saw a bunch of really cool examples of Truchet tiling recently and thought I'd try to implement it in Houdini. To create Truchet tiles, you start with a couple of shapes and randomly copy them to a grid. When arranged this way, they produce connected lines and unusual patterns, and you can make a bunch of variations with different "random seed" values. This may be fun to package into an asset one day - check out the .hip file here.

Jake Allen