
Vitamins and Minerals


Watch Vitamins and Minerals GIF by jakemadeathing on Gfycat. Discover more 3d GIFs, animation GIFs, cg GIFs, fluidsim GIFs, houdini GIFs, maya GIFs, mograph GIFs, motiongraphics GIFs, simulated GIFs, vray GIFs on Gfycat.

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One of the things I've been checking out is the viscous fluid settings for Houdini's FLIP solver, especially their "Lava" setups. One of the first things I did as practice was emit fluid into a bowl, and the scene kind of built itself around that. I was really interested in the fact that the result looked really appetizing and unappetizing at the same time. I can't tell if it's one big liquid Cheeto, or an indigestible pile of goo. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Your choice!

Jake Allen