
Spherical Mirror Deformer HDA


Watch Skater Dude GIF by jakemadeathing on Gfycat. Discover more 3d GIFs, animation GIFs, cg GIFs, deformer GIFs, houdini GIFs, mirror GIFs, mograph GIFs, motiongraphics GIFs, photoshop GIFs, spherical GIFs on Gfycat.


Watch Skater Dude Flipbook GIF by jakemadeathing on Gfycat. Discover more 3d GIFs, animation GIFs, cg GIFs, deformer GIFs, houdini GIFs, mirror GIFs, mograph GIFs, motiongraphics GIFs, photoshop GIFs, spherical GIFs on Gfycat.


This fun little skater dude was created using a spherical mirror deformer I made in Houdini, then traced over in Photoshop to get that cartoon-y look. The deformer is based on Armin Halac's awesome tutorial for Fabric Engine - a software package that sadly no longer exists - but he gives you the math basics to recreate it. It takes your model and deforms it the same way an object is reflected in a sphere, giving you really interesting and unexpected results. The second loop above is what the animation looked like straight out of Houdini's viewport. I wrapped the whole thing up as a Houdini Digital Asset, so feel free to download the deformer and play around with it yourself!

You can download the HDA from here on Orbolt.

Jake Allen